VanaVita Slow Release Carbs

Slow Release Carbs from manufacturer VanaVita is a category containing products rich in slow release carbohydrates. They serve as a steady and gradual source of energy, which is delivered to the body over a period of time. These carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood stream more slowly, which means that the body uses the resulting energy over a longer period of time.

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Slow release carbohydrates can be found in:


Well-soluble instant blends of slow carbohydrates can be:

  • single-component
  • multi-component, which combine the properties of several types of carbohydrates for maximum effect. They often contain other ingredients, such as electrolytes that are lost through sweat during physical activity and need to be replenished. In addition, they can also be enriched with selected amino acids for enhancing sports performance.


Slow release carbohydrates are therefore ideal as a steady supply of energy before or during prolonged sports performance, and also as a way to further enhance it. However, fast release carbohydrates are more suitable to replenish the depleted energy stores in the form of muscle glycogen after a sports activity. Come and get something from the offer of slow release carbohydrates.

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