
BIO Carob Powder - GymBeam


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BIO Carob Powder is obtained from carob seeds (Ceratonia siliqua) and is of the highest BIO quality. It is a popular alternative to cocoa and is great for anyone who likes to discover and try new tastes. You can mix it into your favourite porridge, smoothie or yoghurt. What's more, it is high in fibre and is also suitable for baking.
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BIO Carob Powder – a popular alternative to cocoa in an uncompromising BIO quality, which is suitable for porridges, smoothies, or yoghurts  

BIO Carob Powder comes from the seeds of a tree called carob (Ceratonia Siliqua). The roasted seeds of this tree are a world-famous and popular alternative to the traditional cocoa. Carob powder is mainly sought by people who have a problem with the digestion of cocoa, as well as all those who like to discover new flavours. This powder has an uncompromising BIO quality and a delicate sweet taste. 


What's more, unlike the traditional cocoa, it does not contain caffeine and has a pure ingredients profile without any added substances or sugar. This makes it suitable for vegans. Apart from that, it is high in fibre, and will taste your favourite breakfast porridge, smoothies, or yoghurt to perfection. In addition, it is also suitable for baking, and you can add it to recipes for various icings, desserts, cakes, or sprinkle it on top of them. Due to its naturally sweet taste, BIO Carob Powder can be used to reduce the amount of sugar in your recipes, which you no longer need to sweeten further after adding it. 

BIO Karobový prášok - GymBeam

BIO Carob Powder & its benefits

  • a powder sourced from carob seeds (Ceratonia siliqua)
  • a popular alternative to the traditional cocoa
  • has a naturally delicate sweet taste
  • suitable for people who have problem digesting cocoa
  • sure to be appreciated by all those who like to discover new tastes
  • high in fibre 
  • pure ingredients profile without any added substances or sugar 
  • suitable for porridges, smoothies, yoghurts, and baking 
  • uncompromising BIO quality 
  • suitable for vegans 
  • can help reduce the amount of sugar in your recipes



BIO carob seed powder (Ceratonia siliqua).


Recommended use

Add 2 teaspoons (5 g) to your favourite porridge, smoothie or yoghurt. Suitable for baking as an alternative to cocoa.


Nutrition facts

Nutrition 100 g 5 g
Energy 1255 kJ / 300 kcal 62.75 kJ / 15 kcal
Fat 0.65 g 0.03 g
 - of which saturated fatty acids 0.09 g < 0.01 g
Carbohydrates 49.1 g 2.46 g
 - of which sugars 40.5 g 2.03 g
Fibre 39.8 g 1.99 g
Protein 4.6 g 0.23 g
Salt 0.09 g < 0.01 g



Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Allergen information: May contain traces of gluten, peanuts, soy, nuts, and sesame.

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