Fitness Recipe: Cauliflower Rice with Eggs and Vegetables

Fitness Recipe: Cauliflower Rice with Eggs and Vegetables

Are you looking for inspiration for a quick and easy dinner or a tasty side dish? We present you an alternative to rice – cauliflower rice with eggs, carrot and pea! Not only does it taste great, it also satisfies you perfectly. Yummy!


  • 350 g cauliflower (1 smaller piece)
  • 100 g frozen pea
  • 80 g carrot (1 piece)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • one piece of leek (approx. 10 cm a piece)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp soya sauce
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • lime juice to taste
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • olive oil in spray
Cauliflower Rice with Eggs and Vegetables - ingredients

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Let’s start by mixing eggs with a little salt and pepper. On a little oil, make scrambled eggs from the prepared mixture and once it’s done, put it into a bowl and set aside for later. Add a little oil to the same pan again, and fry the finely chopped leek on it. After a slight frying, add the minced garlic and the carrots cut into small pieces. Add a little water over the mixture and simmer it with occasional stirring until the carrots are almost completely softened.

Cauliflower Rice with Eggs and Vegetables - instructions

Meanwhile, mix cauliflower in a food processor into pieces the size of rice. Then add it together with the peas to the mixture in a pan. To the pan, add soy sauce, lime juice, turmeric, salt and ground black pepper according to your taste. Fry the rice until the cauliflower softens, but it should not be completely soft. Finally, mix in the pre-prepared scrambled eggs and you can serve!

Fitness Recipe: Cauliflower Rice with Eggs and Vegetables
Nutritional valuesper 1 serving (2 servings in total)
Proteins14 g
Carbohydrates23 g
Fibre5 g
Fat11 g

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