the best from category of honey

Do you need help with choosing some product? Get inspired by customers who have already tried our products. Thanks to the reviews of our customers, you have easy access to the experience of others. Here you will find the most reviewed products from the category of Honey. The best-selling product is MGO™ 400+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health.

Honey is the most often used as a healthier alternative to sugar. You can use it to sweeten coffee, smoothies, or any other drink or dish. Regular honey is made by bees, which collect sweet juice from flowers or trees and thicken them with their enzymes. The bee then stores this mass in a cell in the hive, where the excess water evaporates. It is then processed by a beekeeper until it gets to us in the form of sweet natural honey. In the category, you will also find honey from New Zealand, which reaches the highest quality and excels in the high content of the bioactive component methylglyoxal (MGO), making this honey a great stimulant.

If you want to get more information on this topic, check out our article: Manuka Honey - an Overrated Hype or a True Healing Miracle.

4 Items

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  1. Manuka Health (3)
  2. GymBeam (1)
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  2. 250 g (3)
  1. foodstuffs (4)
  1. pure (4)
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  1. MGO™ 400+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health
    MGO™ 400+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health
    100 % (6)
    From €44.95
  2. Honey - GymBeam
    Honey - GymBeam
    100 % (5)
  3. MGO™ 550+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health
    MGO™ 550+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health
    100 % (4)
    From €59.95
  4. MGO™ 250+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health
    MGO™ 250+ Manuka honey - Manuka Health
    100 % (2)
    From €29.95

4 Items