17 most effective abs exercises

17 most effective abs exercises

We all know that the plank is the golden path to the dream six-pack and the strengthening of all body muscles at once. Probably we all combine it with our own weight exercises on the mat so that we lie a little while at the same time weaving on the abdominal muscles. It’s simple and practical, just a few minutes a day and you will achieve great results.

But if you want to try something new, we offer you 17 most effective exercises to strengthen the body centre, which will diversify your training routine. The strong core serves as a backbone support and the necessary injury prevention. If you regularly strengthen the body centre, it will also make it easier for you to do other physical activities, thus achieving your fitness goals and you’re a flat belly faster.

17 most effective exercises for a strong core

You do not need any special equipment, only this what every fitness studio offers – horizontal bar, strengthening machine, bosu ball, TRX suspension system, exercise wheel, balance pad and two-arm dumbbell. Include at least 3 of the following exercises into the next training session. Exercise 2 to 3 series in the recommended number of repetitions for each exercise. If you stick with that, you will burn your fat and achieve visible results. Let’s go!

Pull-up bar exercises

17 most effective exercises for a strong core

1. Leg circles

Check that the horizontal bar is high enough to avoid touching the floor with legs when hanging. Grasp the bar with both arms at a shoulder width and hang up. Engage the abdominal muscles and lift the legs to a right angle. Then begin to circle your legs clockwise. Try to draw an imaginary big circle in the air with both feet. Keep the abdominal muscles under tension at all times. Make 8 to 10 reps and then circle in the opposite direction. Repeat 8 to 10 times for each side.

Easier version: Support the forearms of both hands with handles on the sides of the fitness tower. It gives you more stability than when you hang on a horizontal bar.

Leg circles

2. Hanging bicycles

You will look like you are running in the air with this exercise. Grab the bar with the palms of both hands at the width of your shoulders. Raise your feet to a 90-degree angle parallel to the floor. From this position, start imitating cycling. Engage the muscles of the body and buckle down to it! Cycle as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

Hanging bicycles

3. Hanging Knee Tuck to Twist

Hang on the horizontal bar, tighten the abdominal muscles and lift the knees towards the right side of the torso. Try to push your knees as close as possible to your chest and then slowly return to your starting position. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side by turning your knees towards the left side of the torso. One repetition is the knee pull on both sides. Exercise 8 to 10 reps.

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Cable exercises

Hanging Knee Tuck to Twist

4. Cable isometric hold

Do not be intimidated by this exercise, it is easier than it looks. Choose a light weight, start even with the smallest weight if you like, and pull the pulley cart to the height of your chest. Stand next to the machine from the left side. Grab the pulley with both hands and take one big step away from the machine. Stretch your hands and hold them at the breast height. Stand in a comfortable half-squat and keep the pulley in balance. Engage the centre of the body to hold your hands with the pulley upright. Focus on proper posture and do not lean towards the machine. Hold for 30 seconds and then replace the sides.

Cable isometric hold

5. Cable oblique crunch

Select a medium weight and prepare the lower pulley. Stand with your back on the machine and grasp the pulley with your right hand vertically. Bend your left hand at your elbow and put it behind your head. Tighten the abdominal muscles and tilt to the left, away from the pulley. Return to the start position and repeat the crossovers 10 to 15 times. Then change the sides.

Cable oblique crunch

6. Side plank with cable hold

Select a lower weight, pull the pulley down completely and stand two steps away from the machine. Grab the pulley in the left hand and take a position of the side plank. Lean against the forearm of your right hand, pull the centre of the body and hold your feet close together. Keep the left hand with the pulley high above your head so that your body resembles the letter T. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then change the sides.

Side plank with cable hold

7. Overhead kneeling cable hold

Prepare a smaller weight and lower pulley. Stand with the right side of the body two steps away from the machine. Stand with the right foot on the floor and touch the ground with your left knee as if you were lunging. Grab the pulley in both hands and lift your hands over your head to touch the highest point on your head. The aim of this technique is to engage the muscles of the body and maintain an upright position. You must not lean towards the machine. Hold for 30 seconds and stand with your left side closer to the machine. And repeat the exercise for another 30 seconds.

Exercises on bosu ball

Overhead kneeling cable hold

8. Mountain climbers

Place the balance pad on the ground. With both hands, grasp the edges of the straight side of the balance pad, keep your feet out and stand on tiptoes as if you were making a plank. Start imitating a mountaineer walk, bring your right knee to the left elbow and then the left knee to the right elbow. Repeat this movement as quickly as you know for 30 seconds.

Easier version: Pull the knees only to the level of your chest, instead of the elbows.

Mountain climbers

9. C-seat

Place the balance pad flat sideways on the floor. Sit in the centre of the round part, straighten your back, keep your feet on the floor. Slowly raise your knees to the torso. Keep balancing with your hands to hold the balance pad behind your back when needed. Gradually straighten hands on both sides to make your body form the V letter and hold for 30 seconds.

Place the balance pad flat sideways on the floor. Sit in the centre of the round part, straighten your back, keep your feet on the floor. Slowly raise your knees to the torso. Keep balancing with your hands to hold the balance pad behind your back when needed. Gradually straighten hands on both sides to make your body form the V letter and hold for 30 seconds.

10. Side crunch

Place the balance pad flat on the ground. Lie down on the mat on the right side, keep your feet straight. Bend both hands in the elbow and put them behind your head (if you need more stability, place your right arm on the ground with your forearm and hold your left hand behind your head). Start making crossovers to the left side. Strengthen the abdominal muscles and try to touch the left hip with the left elbow. Make 10 to 12 reps and then replace the pages.

Place the balance pad flat sideways on the floor. Sit in the centre of the round part, straighten your back, keep your feet on the floor. Slowly raise your knees to the torso. Keep balancing with your hands to hold the balance pad behind your back when needed. Gradually straighten hands on both sides to make your body form the V letter and hold for 30 seconds.

10. Side crunch

Place the balance pad flat on the ground. Lie down on the mat on the right side, keep your feet straight. Bend both hands in the elbow and put them behind your head (if you need more stability, place your right arm on the ground with your forearm and hold your left hand behind your head). Start making crossovers to the left side. Strengthen the abdominal muscles and try to touch the left hip with the left elbow. Make 10 to 12 reps and then replace the pages.

Exercises with an ab roller

Side crunch

11. Abs roll with side rotation

If you have never used a fitness wheel, you should definitely do this. Try this exercise. Kneel on the mat, hold your knees together. Grab the handles of the fitness wheel and start rolling it. Engage oblique abdominal muscles and roll the wheel forward until it is arched. Now go back slowly. Repeat once to the right, then to the left side. Be careful not to touch the ground with sides of your hips. Repeat 10 to 12 times on each side.

TRX exercises

Trunk twist

12. Trunk twist

Hang the TRX to the height of your belt. Stand face to shoulder straps and extend your feet a little more than your hip width. Grab the strap handles with both hands and tie your hands together. Take a few steps from the TRX and hang on the straps so that your hands are stretched. Hold the muscles of the body in tension and pull to an upright position, moving your hands to the right. Go back to the starting position and repeat, but this time, turn your hands to the left side. Make 10 to 12 reps on each side.

Easier version: Stand away from the TRX to make your body less angled towards the straps.

Trunk twist

13. Double-knee drive

Adjust the TRX straps to reach the height of your knees. Now kneel back to the straps. Put both legs into the TRX straps and place yourself in the high plank position. Bring the weight to your hands, your feet should be hanging in the straps. Bring your legs together and try to pull them to the right elbow. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise by bringing your knees to the left elbow. Repeat 10 to 12 times on both sides.

Easier version: Pull your knees alternately to the chest.

Double-knee drive

14. TRX pike

Start at the same position as in the previous exercise. Tighten the abdominal muscles, keep your legs stretched out, hold a high plank. Gradually, pull your feet up to your head by lifting your hips and buttocks high while your shoulders are above your wrists. You will feel like you are doing a handstand, but your body resembles an arrow or a house roof. Slowly return to the horizontal position and make 10 to 12 reps.

Barbell or body bar exercises

These exercises are suitable for intermediate to experienced fitness enthusiasts. If you are just starting out with the exercise, you just need to use a dumbbell bar without the weights to carry out these exercises.

Lying side raise

15. Lying side raise

Pull on the mat, grab the dumbbell at a shoulders width and push it over your head. Keep your hands fully stretched out. Tighten the muscles of the centre of the body, lower your legs together and hold them as straight as possible while performing the exercise. Raise both legs to the right hand while pushing the lower back into the pad. Slowly return your legs back and repeat on the left side. Carry on with 10 to 12 reps on both sides.

Easier version: Leave the dumbbell aside and practice the right technique. Put your hands up, lift your legs and try to grab your toes with your hands.

Lying side raise

16. Barbell overhead situp

In addition to the dumbbell, you will also need an inclined bench. Lie on the bench and hold your feet firmly on the handles. Grab the dumbbell to the width of your arms and pull towards your knees. Push the dumbbell over your head while keeping your stretched out. Basically, you do sit ups with a dumbbell being pushed over your head. Biceps are at the ears, hold the back upright. Go back slowly and repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times with the weight on the dumbbell. If you have loaded lower weights, make 10 to 12 reps.

Easier version: Practice sit ups on a tilted bench without a dumbbell. Feel every muscle properly and follow the right technique.

 Barbell overhead situp

17. Barbel situp with chest press

You start from the same position as in the previous exercise. Lean on the inclined bench, fix feet firmly, grab the dumbbell at a shoulder width. Put yourself in half-sitting position by lifting the shoulder blades and back, but the buttocks remain on the bench. Hold the muscles of the body in tension and slowly push the dumbbell over your head. Exhale, pull the dumbbell towards your chest, the elbows are wide apart. Make 8 to 10 presses, and return to the starting position, put your back on the bench.

Easier version: Make a half-sit and exercise without weight, hold the abdominal muscles under tension.

Will you try one of these exercises the next time you practice? What exercises for centre part of the body are most effective for you? Share your tips with us in the comments. If the article was interesting for you, please support it by sharing.


[1] Greatist – www.greatist.com

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