5 best recipes for homemade muesli bars

5 best recipes for homemade muesli bars

Why would you buy muesli bars when you can prepare them easily and quickly at home? In addition, homemade muesli bars contain only healthy ingredients, so there is no chance you would eat muesli with a lot of calories and sugar from the store. Choose from our recipes full of nuts, fruits, oatmeal, nut butters protein, in raw or baked version. Bon appetite!

Peanut – apple muesli bars



Mix the oatmeal with mixed peanuts, xylite, vanilla protein, chia seeds and cinnamon. Add peanut butter and apple puree to the mixture. Mix everything well together and then press into a baking sheet lined with 20 x 20 cm baking paper. Place the muesli bars in the oven and bake at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. After cooling, cut the dough into 14 bars and serve. Bon appetite.

Tip: If you cannot eat muesli bars immediately, you can freeze them. They will last for several weeks.

5 best recipes for homemade museli bars
Nutritional compositionper serving
Protein7 g
Carbohydrates17 g
Fat6 g

Chocolate – coconut muesli bars



Mix dry ingredients – oatmeal, coconut, protein and psyllium. Add honey and melted coconut oil. Mix the banana with a stick blender to a mash and mix it into the dough. Mix everything together and add pieces of dark chocolate. Put the prepared mixture into a sheet of 20 x 20 cm, which is pre-lined with baking paper. Place the plate in the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C. After cooling, cut the dough into muesli bars and pour over calorie-free syrup Hazelnut Choco. Bon appetite.

Tip: Always store muesli bars in a sealed container to keep them as long as possible.

5 best recipes for homemade museli bars
Nutritional compositionper serving
Protein5 g
Carbohydrates18 g
Fat5 g

Cocoa – nut muesli bars with fruit


  • 100 g nut mix
  • 100 g of any dried fruit (dates, apricots, cranberries)
  • 70 g oat flakes
  • 60 g cashew butter
  • 50 g coconut sugar
  • 30 g seeds (such as chia, pumpkin or sunflower seeds)
  • 30 g cocoa
  • 50 ml water

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Pour the dried fruit with hot water to soften it. Meanwhile, mix oatmeal, seeds, coconut sugar, cocoa and chopped nuts in a bowl. Strain the dried fruit, mix two thirds of the fruit, and then add all the dried fruit to the dry ingredients.

Pour water, cashew butter into the mixture and mix well together. Press the prepared material into a sheet of 20 x 20 cm, which is pre-lined with baking paper. Place it in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes at 180 ° C. After cooling, cut the dough into 14 pieces and serve. Yummy!

5 best recipes for homemade museli bars
Nutritional compositionper serving
Protein4 g
Carbohydrates15 g
Fat8 g

Raw bars with cashews and apricots



Pour the dates with hot water to soften. In the meantime, chop the cashew nuts into larger pieces. Then mix the apricots and the softened dates. Add the fruit mixture to the nuts and mix. Add cashew butter to the mixture and put the dough in a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Press the dough properly to take the shape of a baking tray, then put it in the freezer for 1-2 hours only in baking paper. After solidification, remove the dough and cut into muesli bars. Bon appetite.

Raw bars with cashews and apricots
Nutritional compositionper serving
Protein3 g
Carbohydrates16 g
Fat7 g

Unbaked almond muesli bars



Mix oatmeal with chopped almonds. Mix the dates into a paste and add them to the flakes. Mix agave syrup with almond butter and heat it on a low heat to make the mixture easier to work with. Then add the heated mass to oatmeal with almonds. Mix everything together and prepare the dough with your hands. Put the prepared dough on a 20 x 20 cm baking tray that is pre-lined with baking paper. Then just leave the dough with baking paper to solidify in the freezer for 1 and 2 hours. After solidification, cut the dough into 14 bars and serve. Bon appetite.

Unbaked almond muesli bars
Nutritional compositionper serving
Protein4 g
Carbohydrates21 g
Fat7 g

We believe that you will choose at least one recipe from these varied ideas for homemade muesli bars. Tell us which recipe you will definitely try and what combination of flavours you prefer. If you want to let your friends know about this post, feel free to share it.

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