Fitness Recipe: Clafoutis – French Cherry Pie

Fitness Recipe: Clafoutis – French Cherry Pie

We have prepared a healthier version of the traditional pie which comes from a country known for its fragrant pastries, delicious cheese, high-quality wine, where people savour the food to the fullest. Let us introduce you the typical French pie with cherries called “Clafoutis” which not only looks beautiful, but also tastes great. In addition, it will be perfect for your afternoon rest on a sunny balcony or garden with your favourite coffee. Let’s bake together this simple dessert, enriched with a dose of protein!


  • 700 g pitless cherries
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 100 g fine spelt flour
  • 70 g xylitol
  • 40 g butter + a little for greasing the tin
  • 30 g Just Whey Protein in vanilla flavour
  • 4 eggs

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    Prepare a cake tin (we used a tin with a diameter of 28 cm), grease it with butter and place cherries on the bottom. Mix eggs and milk at room temperature with flour, xylitol, protein and melted butter. Whisk everything together well with a whisk mixer to create a liquid dough without lumps. Pour the dough over the cherries and bake the pie until golden at a temperature of 170 °C, for about 40 minutes. If you want to make sure that your pie is well-baked, stick a wooden skewer into it. If the skewer is completely dry after you remove it, the pie is done. You can dust your pie with powdered sugar, serve and enjoy!

    Fitness Recipe: Clafoutis - French Cherry Pie
    Nutritional values1 serving (12 servings in total)
    Protein5 g
    Carbohydrates16 g
    Fat5 g

    We believe that you will soon enjoy this traditional French cherry cake in a healthier version. If you liked the recipe, don’t forget to share it with your loved ones.

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