Fitness Recipe: Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa

Fitness Recipe: Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa

Do you think that a perfect breakfast or snack should be crunchy? Then you are at the right place. Today we will put together the most crispy granola with nuts, oats and quinoa, which will make the whole kitchen smell amazing. The preparation is simple and it will be ready in half an hour. Goes great with yogurt or cottage cheese.


Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa - Ingredients

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Mix all dry ingredients (oatsuncooked quinoacashew nuts, almonds and cinnamon) in a larger bowl. You can leave the nuts whole, but if you like smaller pieces, chop them before adding to the mixture.

Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa - Ingredients

Then add maple syrup and egg whites. Again, mix everything together.

Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa - Mixed Ingredients

Next, prepare a baking tray, spray it with coconut or rapeseed oil so that the mixture does not stick. Baking paper will also work just fine. Distribute the prepared mixture evenly on the tray and press it lightly to create a relatively flat surface.

Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa on the Tray

Put in the oven preheated to 160 °C and bake until golden brown, it should take about 20 –30 minutes. Check on it in the meantime to see if it’s not burning. You can also stir it occasionally so that it bakes evenly. Let the finished granola cool down and transfer it to a bowl or jar with a lid for storage, or you can enjoy it straight away.

Our tip: If you like fruit, you can add lyophilized bananas, raspberries or strawberries to the baked mixture.

Crispy Granola with Nuts and Quinoa
Nutritional Values
1 serving (6 servings total)
Energy value288 kcal
Protein10 g
Cabrohydrates37 g
Fats10 g
Fibre5 g

Granola goes great with yogurt, cottage cheese or milk. However, you can also eat it just as it is, especially if you want to enjoy a healthy crunchy snack when watching TV. Enjoy!

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