
Agar 30 g - Wolfberry


100 %

Agar is a healthy and natural alternative to gelatin with more than 80 % of fiber content. It is obtained from red algae and is suitable also for vegans. Agar does not contain any sugar, is transparent, tasteless, odorless and keeps its shape even at higher temperatures. It is used for flavoring, but also as stabilizer and thickener for confectionery and bakery products.

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Agar - healthy and natural alternative to gelatin from red algae with more than 80 % fiber content

Agar is a healthy and natural alternative to gelatin with more than 80 % of fiber content, which is suitable also for vegans. It is a natural polysaccharide with high gelling ability, that is obtained from red algae of the genera Floridae a Gelidium. It does not contain any added sugar, is transparent, tasteless, odorless, and allows to create also high layers of jellies that hold their shape perfectly when sliced. It is used for flavoring, but also as stabilizer and thickener for confectionery and bakery products. It is great for making aspic, frozen desserts, various jellies, puddings, ice cream and other goodies.


Agar and its benefits

  • healthy and natural alternative to gelatin
  • contains more than 80 % of fiber
  • does not contain any added sugar
  • is transparent, tasteless and odorless
  • keeps the shape even at higher temperatures
  • is used as stabilizer and thickener for confectionery and bakery products
  • is suitable also for vegans 



Agar agar (Gelidium 100%).


Nutrition Facts

Nutritional values100 g
Energy value  720 kJ / 172 kcal
Fats 0,1 g
   saturated fats 0 g
Carbohydrates 0,04 g
   sugars 0 g
Fiber 86 g
Protein 0,1 g



May contain traces of gluten. Store in a cold and dry place. Protect from direct sunlight and heat.

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