
Apple fiber - Wolfberry


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Apple fiber is gluten-free and soluble fiber from chemically untreated apples. Fiber can bind water, which slows the passage of food through the stomach and positively affects the intestinal microflora.

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Apple fiber - soluble fiber for the health of your intestinal microflora

Apple fiber is a great source of soluble fiber that improves the feeling of a satiety and has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Fiber binds water, slowing the passage of food through the stomach, making you feel more sated. You can consume it alone or add it to the mash, smoothie or yogurt. The fiber is naturally gluten-free and is made from quality and chemically untreated apple peels.


Apple fiber - Wolfberry


Apple fiber and its advantages

  • naturally gluten-free and soluble fiber
  • it is made of chemically untreated peels
  • induces a feeling of satiety and is also suitable for weight loss
  • it has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora



100% apple fiber.


Nutrition table

Nutritional valuesin 100 g
Energy value 1052 kJ / 257 kcal
Protein 6 g
Fats 2 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 0,3 g
Carbohydrates 24 g
   of which sugars 0 g
Fiber 60 g
Salt 0,01 g


Without allergens.

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