
BIO Quinoa - VanaVita


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BIO Quinoa is a naturally gluten-free pseudocereal with a slightly nutty taste. It is classified as a superfood, thanks to containing a number of beneficial substances, which are associated with numerous benefits. In addition, it is also a great plant-based source of protein. It can be used as an alternative to classic side dishes for meat, as well as other delicious meals. Furthermore, you can use it to make granola, porridge or vegetable patties or pancakes.

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BIO Quinoa is a gluten-free pseudocereal and superfood with a typical nutty taste, which is a great plant-based source of protein

BIO Quinoa is a naturally gluten-free pseudocereal with a pleasant nutty taste that you can easily incorporate into sweet and savoury dishes. With its rich content of nutrients, it ranks among superfoods and can thus become a great addition to your healthy diet. Quinoa will provide your body with complex carbs, which take longer to digest than simple carbs. This way, such carbs supply energy gradually and help induce a long-lasting feeling of satiety. At the same time, this original food is also a great plant-based source of protein and thus contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and healthy bones.


Quinoa can easily serve as a tasty substitute for classic side dishes for meat, fish, pork or other meat alternatives. It is also suitable as an ingredient for soups or vegetable salads. Its pleasant nutty taste also makes it perfect for sweet dishes. For example, you can use it to conjure up porridge with fruit or tasty crunchy granola. Just use your imagination to experiment with it and prepare various vegetable patties, falafel and pancakes, or use it to thicken meals.


BIO Quinoa - VanaVita


BIO Quinoa & its benefits

  • pseudocereal with a pleasant nutty taste
  • belongs to superfoods
  • naturally gluten-free
  • contains complex carbs and beneficial bioactive substances
  • a source of protein
  • can contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and healthy bones
  • can be used as a side dish for meat or to thicken dishes
  • suitable for salads or soups
  • suitable as a main ingredient for porridge, granola or other sweet and salty dishes  



BIO quinoa



Rinse the quinoa and cook it in a 1:2 ratio of water for 14–18 minutes. Consume at any time of the day as part of a balanced diet.


Nutrition facts

Nutrition 100 g
Energy value 1494 kJ/ 354 kcal
Fats 6 g
  - saturated fatty acids 0.7 g
Carbohydrates 64.2 g
  - sugars 5 g
Protein 14.1 g
Salt 0.1 g



Store in a dry and cool place up to 25 °C, protect from sunlight.

Allergen information: May contain traces of gluten, soy, nuts and sesame.

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