
BIO Red Whole Lentils Unpeeled - Country Life

ManufacturerCountry Life

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BIO Red Whole Lentils are among the small legumes that are suitable for soups, porridges, sauces, or salads. Its preparation is very simple and really anyone can do it. It has a high protein content, low-fat content and is also a good source of quality complex carbohydrates.

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BIO Red Whole Lentils - small legume with a nutritious profile that will reliably satiate you

BIO Red Whole Lentils is a small legume that you will appreciate as a side dish to various meals. Its origins go back to Turkey, from where it has spread all over the world. It is often part of Indian cuisine, where it serves as a meat substitute. However, its possibilities are much wider. You can soak it for about 2 hours and then it will not take you more than 10 minutes to prepare it. However, it can be prepared without soaking and in such a case cooking takes about 20 minutes. It is suitable, for example, in vegetable soup and can be mixed into a nutritious porridge. Your sweet tooth will also love it in risotto with bulgur or in cold vegetable salads. Not to forget its irreplaceable place in pancakes or sauces. 


You can even add it to a pastry dough that has a nut-like taste after baking. Plus, it can be baked in a style similar to minced meat, for example in lasagne. Its nutritional profile also speaks in its favour. It has a high protein content, low-fat content and is also a good source of quality complex carbohydrates. It will be appreciated not only by vegans but also by people who like trying something new. A great bonus is that it comes from organic farming and will serve you uncompromising BIO quality on your plate.


BIO Red Whole Lentils & its benefits

  • a small legume that you will appreciate as a side dish to various meals
  • has a high protein content and a low-fat content
  • a good source of quality complex carbohydrates
  • part of Indian cuisine
  • after soaking, its preparation does not take more than 10 minutes
  • suitable for soup, porridge, risotto, vegetable salads, pancakes, or sauces
  • when added to the pastry, it has a mild nutty flavour
  • satiates perfectly
  • also suitable for vegans
  • offers uncompromising BIO quality



BIO Red Whole Lentils Unpeeled.



Soak BIO Red Lentils for 2 hours, rinse and cook until soft for 10 - 15 minutes.


Nutrition facts

Nutritional values100 g
Energy value 1 581 kJ / 378 kcal
Fats 2.2 g
   of which saturated fats 0.4 g
Carbohydrates 59 g
   of which sugars 2.0 g
Protein 25 g
Salt 0.02 g



Store at temperatures up to 25 °C and relative humidity up to 70 %. Protect from sunlight.

May contain traces of gluten, peanuts, soybeans, nuts, and sesame.

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