
Biosterol - Megabol


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Biosterol is a nutritional supplement that serves as a natural replacement for steroids. It contains saponins, phytosterols and steroidal alkaloids, with which you achieve your fitness goals faster and more efficiently.

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Biosterol is a nutritional supplement containing saponins, phytosterols and steroidal alkaloids, which serves as a natural steroid substitute 

Biosterol is the latest generation nutritional supplement labelled as testosterone booster. It contains a high proportion of saponins that will effectively bring you closer to your fitness goals. Indeed, there are relevant metabolic pathways in the human body that are capable of biosynthesis of steroidal substances from saponins. Saponins are chemical compounds of plant origin that alter the structure of the cytoplasmic membranes so that they are more permeable to organic substances. At the same time, saponins can be transformed into steroid hormones or parahormones with anabolic effect.




With a balanced diet, the patented Biosterol formula will help you to handle challenging and intense workouts. This testosterone stimulant should be taken during volumetric and strength exercises, because that's when you need to increase testosterone levels. Biosterol with the high content of steroid saponins is ideal as a natural steroid substitute for athletes.


Biosterol & its benefits

  • natural steroid replacement
  • contains saponins, phytosterols and steroidal alkaloids
  • suitable for volume and strength training
  • promotes your fitness goals





Active substances (extracts): Nigellae fluidum - nigella sativa, Capsici fluidum - red pepper, Trigonellae fluidum - fenugreek, Myristicae liquidum - nutmeg, Glycyrhizate siccum - licorice, Cynarae fluidum - artichoke, carrier - vegetable oil, softgel capsule - pork gelatin, conservative - benzoic acid.                         


REcommended use

Take 1-2 capsules in the morning, after a meal. Biosterol should be used on a daily basis. Due to the stimulating effect, the preparation should be used within 18 hours. On the training day, take 1 capsule with the last meal before the workout. If you take 2 capsules a day - take twice a day after a meal.


Table of nutritional values

Nutritional values 1 capsule


200 mg


66 mg

Steroidal alkaloids

0,25 mg



Biosterol is not suitable or intended for use by women and people under the age of 18! Do not exceed the recommended daily serving amount. The product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Store out of reach of small children. Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight at room temperature.

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