
Buckwheat Porridge - Wolfberry


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Buckwheat Porridge is an easily digestible porridge with rich nutritional values. It is suitable as a hearty breakfast or healthy snack for all athletes. The instant mixture contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and especially proteins. The porridge contains no gluten and is therefore suitable for celiac patients.

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Buckwheat Porridge - healthy breakfast or snack rich in easily digestible protein

Buckwheat Porridge is an instant porridge with rich nutritional value. It contains up to 12 grams of easily digestible protein per 100 grams of porridge that promote muscle growth and maintenance. There is no gluten in the porridge and is therefore suitable for celiac patients. It has a high fibre content and low sugars, only 0.8 g per 100 g. Thanks to its undemanding preparation you can cook it in minutes. Simply pour it in warm water or milk and flavour it if necessary because it is not flavoured. You can treat it as a healthy breakfast or a nutritionally balanced snack.


Buckwheat porridge - Wolfberry


Buckwheat Porridge & its advantages

  • has rich nutritional values
  • contains easily digestible protein
  • full of fibre, vitamins and minerals
  • does not contain gluten
  • quick and easy to prepare



100% extruded buckwheat.



Pour the required amount of instant porridge with warm water or milk and season as needed.


Nutrition table

Nutritional values 100 g
Energy value 1600 kJ / 377 kcal
Fats 2.8 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 0.6 g
Carbohydrates 76 g
of which sugars 0.8 g
Protein 12 g
Fibre 4.9 g
Salt 0.01 g


Store in a dry and dark place.

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