
Chia Seeds - GymBeam


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Chia Seeds belong to superfoods as they enrich the diet with fibre, healthy fats, proteins and other beneficial nutrients. For example, they have many benefits for our brain, heart and digestion. They also boast versatile use in the kitchen and have a neutral taste, making them suitable for both sweet and savoury dishes.

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Chia Seeds are a great addition to a healthy diet as they are high in fibre, protein and other nutrients

Chia Seeds rank among superfoods that hide a wide range of nutrients and beneficial substances. Similar to other seeds, chia seeds are a great addition to the diet, especially if you are trying to consume more healthy unsaturated fats. For example, your heart and brain will definitely appreciate it. In addition, replacing saturated fatty acids with unsaturated ones contributes to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels. Moreover, these seeds are high in fibre, making them a suitable option to help take care of your digestion. They are also useful when you are looking for foods that help you feel full and they thus can help fight unpleasant hunger. Last but not least, they are a source of protein, which can contribute to the growth of muscle mass or optimal bone health, for example.


Chia seeds can be included in the diet in countless ways. The easiest way is to sprinkle them on top of yoghurt with fruit, oatmeal or a vegetable salad. Since they have a neutral taste, you can also add them to smoothies, various desserts or other salty or sweet dishes. You can also prepare chia pudding, just soak them in water or milk so they swell and get a gel-like consistency. In addition, this way, the nutrients they contain are better usable by the body. This is also how vegans use chia seeds to substitute eggs.


Chia seeds are thus a great nutritious product for vegetarians and vegans. In addition, they can also enrich the menu of people with a gluten-free diet.


Chia Seeds - GymBeam


Chia Seeds & their benefits

  • belong to superfoods
  • have a neutral taste
  • high in fibre
  • a source of protein
  • contain healthy fats and bioactive substances
  • can have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels
  • do not contain gluten or GMOs
  • suitable for taking care of good digestion, heart, brain or bones
  • suitable as an ingredient to add to yoghurt, porridge, smoothies and other sweet or salty dishes
  • suitable for vegetarians and vegans


Nutrition facts

Nutrition 100 g
Energy value 2034 kJ/ 486 kcal
Fats 30.7 g
 - saturated fatty acids 3.3 g
Carbohydrates 35 g
 - sugars 0.9 g
Dietary fibre 34.4 g
Protein 18.6 g
Salt 0.04 g



Store in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight. Allergens: May contain traces of gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, soy and sesame.

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