
Coconut Bowl - VanaVita


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Coconut Bowl is a 100% natural bowl made from coconut shell, free from any plastic or various synthetic and chemical substances. It will please anyone who thinks ecologically and is looking for an interesting bowl with a unique shape. It is fairly finished, and buying it saves the environment. Suitable for breakfast porridge, salads, soups, puddings, oatmeal, sauces or various other savoury and sweet delicacies.

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Coconut Bowl - 100% natural coconut shell bowl suitable for a variety of savoury and sweet delicacies

Coconut Bowl will bring an exotic touch to your home. Made from 100% natural coconut shell, it is entirely free from plastic, synthetic or chemical substances—making it a favourite among eco-conscious individuals who want to save the environment. With a volume of 350 - 400 ml and a diameter of 14 cm, this carefully crafted bowl is handmade, and each piece has a unique and interesting shape. Its exotic design is beautifully complemented by the thoughtfully engraved VanaVita wordmark. Versatile and suitable for a variety of savoury and sweet dishes, it is perfect for salads, sauces, hummus, poké, or various soups.


Sweet lovers, in turn, will appreciate that it can be used for porridge, oatmeal, semolina porridge, pudding, fruit salads, fruit compote, as well as fresh and freeze-dried fruits, nuts, and more. Additionally, women may find it handy for preparing face masks or scrubs. Due to its natural processing, it can also serve as an interesting design accessory. Whatever purpose you choose for it, this coconut bowl will undoubtedly stand out in your home.


Coconut Bowl - VanaVita


Coconut Bowl & its benefits

  • 100% natural bowl made from coconut shell
  • free of plastic, synthetic or chemical materials
  • has a volume of 350 - 400 ml and a diameter of 14 cm
  • will please eco-lovers
  • carefully crafted and adorned with an engraved VanaVita logo
  • handmade and each bowl has a unique shape
  • suitable for a variety of savoury and sweet dishes
  • ladies may also appreciate it for preparing face masks and scrubs
  • due to its interesting processing, it is also suitable as a design accessory



Diameter 14 cm
Volume 350 – 400 ml
Material coconut

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