
Creapure Caps - Reflex Nutrition

ManufacturerReflex Nutrition

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Creapure Caps are gelatin capsules containing creatine Creapure monohydrate. With a daily dose of 4.2 g, you will increase your performance during an intense workout.

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Creapure Caps to increase performance during an intense workout

Creapure Caps are gelatin capsules containing 700 mg of Creatine Creapure® monohydrate. It is recommended to take 2 capsules 3 times a day, thanks to which the daily intake will be at the level of 4.2 g of creatine. By taking creatine, you increase your performance during short-term consecutive doses of intense training. Said dosage is important because the reported effect is manifested only at a dose of 3 g of creatine. You will find 90 capsules in one package, which represents 45 doses, so 1 package is enough for 15 days.



Creatine Creapure Caps


Creapure Caps and its benefits

  • contains pure creatine Creapure® monohydrate
  • improves performance during intense exercise
  • has a form of gelatin capsules


Creapure® creatine monohydrate in a two-part bovine gelatin capsule.


Recommended use

It is recommended to take creatine 2 capsules 3 times a day on an empty stomach.    


Table of nutritional values

  1 capsule
Creapure® creatine monohydrate 700 mg



The product is a nutritional supplement and should be taken in conjunction with a balanced diet. This product is not suitable for people under 18 years of age.

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