
Dextrose - GymBeam


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Dextrose is a simple sugar similar to glucose, which serves as a quick source of energy. It is easily digested, absorbed almost instantaneously and will provide you with energy before, during or after physical performance. This makes it suitable for running, intensive strength training, as well as for martial or team sports. It comes in the form of a well-soluble powder, which is also suitable as part of a recovery drink.

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Dextrose - a simple sugar that will provide you with quick energy before, during or after exercise   

Dextrose is a simple carbohydrate (sugar) that works great as a quick energy source before, during or after exercise. Its structure resembles that of glucose (grape sugar), which enables it to quickly pass through the stomach and be almost immediately absorbed in the digestive tract. This makes it a quickly available source of energy that the body can use for any activity. Being easily digestible makes it also well tolerated, even during intense physical activity.  


This product comes in the form of a well-soluble powder, which you just need to mix together with water or your favourite drink and enjoy. Thus, you will get a carbohydrate drink that will help you with energy replenishment before, during or after exercise. While engaged in endurance activities, it will also allow you to save the storage form of carbohydrate known as glycogen for the later part of your performance. Once you are done with said activities, it will in turn contribute to quickly replenishing your glycogen stores. 


Apart from runners and cyclists, it will come in handy for all those who do crossfit, martial artists, football or hockey players as well as all other athletes who need to replenish energy during difficult trainings, races or matches. Last but not least, it is suitable for bodybuilders and other strength training athletes, especially before exercise as a way of boosting energy or after, as part of a recovery drink. However, Dextrose can also be used to effectively increase caloric intake in the bulking phase of training. 


Dextrose & its benefits 

  • simple sugar for quick energy replenishment 
  • resembles glucose (grape sugar) 
  • ranks among sources of quick energy  
  • easily absorbed 
  • helps with the replenishment of glycogen stores 
  • quickly passes through the stomach 
  • does not burden the digestive system 
  • provides energy before, during or after exercise 
  • well tolerated even during intense physical activity 
  • suitable as part of a recovery drink 
  • a good way to increase energy intake 
  • suitable for endurance and strength training athletes 
  • can be used by wrestlers and team sport athletes 
  • comes in the form of a well-soluble powder 
  • suitable for vegans  



Dextrose (crystalline a-D-glucose monohydrate). 


Recommended use

Add 80 g of the product to the desired amount of water or fruit juice and stir well in one of our shakers and consume.


Nutrition facts

Nutrition per 100 g
Energy value 1551 kJ / 365 kcal
Fat 0 g
   saturated fatty acids 0 g
Carbohydrate 91 g
   sugar 91 g
Protein 0 mg
Salt 12.5 mg



The product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Store in a dry place at a temperature below 25 °C. Protect from frost and direct sunlight. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use or storage. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Minimum shelf life indicated on the packaging.

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