
FueBrain - GymBeam


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FueBrain is a nootropic complex loaded with select substances for taking care of mental performance and sharpening of the senses. It contains adaptogens associated with body resilience and coping with stress or challenging situations. It will be appreciated by students, doctors, professional athletes and anyone concerned about their mental health and vitality.

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FueBrain - a nootropic complex packed with substances for taking care of mental performance and sharpening of the senses

FueBrain is a carefully designed formula packed with selected substances related to taking care of mental performance, mood, alertness, concentration and sharpening of the senses. The formula opens with l-carnitine, l-theanine, and bacopa extract, which are among the well-known nootropics. These are substances generally associated with cognitive functions such as memory, thinking, and concentration, which are key sensations for mental performance.


The potential of this entire mental booster is taken to the next level by Korean red ginseng extract. It is one of the adaptogens, which are substances generally associated with the body's resilience. They can be handy when it comes to stress and keeping a cool head during tense situations. The product also contains ginkgo biloba present, which is generally associated with mental performance, memory, and cognitive abilities, among which are learning, thinking, or the ability to perceive and make decisions, for example. In addition, ginkgo biloba is generally associated with blood circulation, which is important in relation to the transport of nutrients to the brain. This may be one piece of the cognitive performance mosaic.


Next, there's N-acetyl L-tyrosine, which is an effective form of tyrosine. This in turn is the starting substance for the formation of a number of neurotransmitters, including adrenaline or dopamine. It is also important for the natural synthesis of coenzyme Q10, which is involved in the formation of energy. Phosphatidylserine is furthermore an important constituent of cell membranes, similar to citicoline (CDP-Choline). The latter, in turn, represents a very readily available source of choline. Choline, like DMAE, is the starting substance for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is an important component of brain function.


Thanks to the presence of vitamins B6 and B12, FueBrain additionally contributes to the reduction of fatigue or exhaustion and normal nervous system function. In addition, it also contributes to the proper function of energy metabolism, which produces energy. And for maximum functionality and absorption of this complex blend, black pepper extract in the form of Bioperine® is also included in the formula.


As a result, FueBrain is suitable for students, doctors, lawyers, managers and other people with demanding mental jobs. It will also be appreciated by athletes before a performance, by maintaining "flow" and maximum enthusiasm for the game or problem-solving. The product is also caffeine-free, which will please anyone trying to limit its intake. Moreover, thanks to this, you can take it even in the evening without negatively affecting your sleep. This comes in handy if you are going to study in the evening or have a training session coming up where you want to focus on your sports performance to the maximum.


FueBrain & its benefits

  • a complex packed with select ingredients to take care of mental performance and sharpen the senses
  • contains nootropics associated with cognitive functions such as memory, thinking, and concentration
  • the formula does not lack ginkgo biloba associated with mental performance, memory, and cognitive abilities
  • contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion
  • supports the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • contributes to the proper function of energy metabolism
  • suitable for students, doctors, lawyers, managers, and anyone with a mentally demanding job
  • will be appreciated by athletes as it will energize before a performance
  • doesn't contain caffeine
  • suitable for use in the evening without negatively affecting sleep



Acetyl L-Carnitine, Bacopa extract (Bacopa monnieri) (55% bacosides), N-acetyl L-Tyrosine, Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) (root) extract (10% ginsenosides), phosphatidylserine (soy extract), L-theanine, rose ginseng (Rhodiola rosea) root extract (3% rosavin), citicoline (CDP-choline), ginkgo biloba extract, DMAE bitartrate (dimethylethanolamine), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), artichoke (Cynara scolymus) extract (4% cynarin), Bioperine® black pepper extract (Piper nigrum) (95 % piperine), bulking agent (microcrystalline cellulose), anti-caking agent (magnesium stearate), hypromellose capsule.


Recommended use

Take 2 capsules daily.


Nutrition facts

Nutritional values 2 capsules
Acetyl L-Carnitine 100 mg
Bacopa extract 150 mg
- Bacosides 82.5 mg
N-acetyl L-tyrosine 120 mg
Red Korean Ginseng extract 100 mg
- Ginsenosides 10 mg
Phosphatidylserine 140 mg
L-theanine 80 mg
Rhodiola Rosea root extract 100 mg
Rosavin 3 mg
Citicolin (CDP-choline) 80 mg
Ginkgo biloba extract 40 mg
DMAE bitartrate (dimethylethanolamine) 20 mg
Vitamin B12 250 μg
Vitamin B6 7 mg (500 % *RDI)
Artichoke extract 100 mg
- Cynarin 4 mg
Bioperine® black pepper extract 5 mg



Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. This product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. The product is not intended for children, pregnant and lactating women. Store in a dry place at a temperature below 25 °C and out of reach of small children. Protect from frost and direct sunlight.

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