
Gluten-free Oat flakes - Green Apotheke

ManufacturerGreen Apotheke

86 %

Gluten-free oat flakes are coarse and gluten-free oat flakes, which are excellent source of fiber, complex carbohydrates and other nutrients.

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Gluten-free oat flakes - coarse and versatile oat flakes

Gluten-free oat flakes are coarse and unflavoured gluten-free oat flakes. Oats are an exceptional cereal rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients. Prepare a tasty and nutritious breakfast or add it to other dishes or soups.


Gluten-free oat flakes & their benefits

  • coarse gluten-free flakes
  • source of fiber and other nutrients
  • suitable for cereals, pastries or soups
  • versatile use
  • suitable for celiacs



Gluten-free oat (Avena sativa).



The flakes are intended for direct consumption. You can consume them with milk, yogurt or fruit, or with baby food. They are also suitable for further processing - for the preparation of porridge, pastries, meatballs, etc.


Nutrition table

Nutritional values100 g
Energy value 1596 kJ / 381 kcal
Fat 7.0 g
of which saturated fats 1.2 g
Carbohydrates 62.0 g
of which sugars 1.0 g
Fiber 5.6 g
Protein 13.5 g
Salt 0.025 g



May contain traces of soy and nuts. Store at temperatures up to 25°C and relative humidity up to 70%.

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