
Herbal tea Tribulus terrestris - Wolfberry


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Herbal tea Tribulus terrestris (also called puncture vine) contains dried leaves of the plant Tribulus terrestris. It is a well-known herb in Chinese or Indian traditional medicine. It has a pleasant colour and a strong bitter taste which can be softened by sweetening the drink.

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Herbal tea Tribulus terrestris - dried extract from Tribulus terrestris

Herbal tea Tribulus terrestris is a dried extract from the herb Tribulus terrestris. This tea has a pleasant yellow-green colour and a strong bitter taste. It is an important ingredient in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Tribulus terrestris is also a popular plant for its content of steroid saponins. They are substances that, due to their foaming properties, can reduce the surface tension in the body. They help proteins to cross the cell membrane, but they can also be transformed into steroid hormones with anabolic effect.


Herbal tea Tribulus terrestris - Wolfberry



Pour one tablespoon with 0.5 litres of hot water, leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes and strain.



Store in a sealable container in a dark and dry place.

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