
Immunity Support Package - GymBeam


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Immunity Support Package is a unique selection of vitamins and natural drinks that will support your overall health, mental well-being and provide your body with plenty of energy. The package contains 1x Vitamin D3, 1x Omega 3-6-9, 9x Ginger shot, 9x Turmeric shot, 1x Vitality Complex, 24x BIO Ginger Shot with Matcha or 24x BIO Ginger Shot with Aronia.

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Immunity Support Package effectively combats harmful factors of the external environment

Immunity Support Package makes it much easier to handle harmful environmental factors. A unique selection of vitamins, minerals, and natural juices will support your health, mental well-being and provide your body with plenty of energy. The package contains vitamin D3, which effectively supports a proper functioning of the immune system. Omega 3-6-9, which contains a balanced combination of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids, will also protect your immunity.


Immunity Support Package - GymBeam


Unique healthy shots - Ginger Shot, Turmeric Shot and BIO Ginger Shot with Matcha or BIO Ginger Shot with Aronia, which have anti-inflammatory effects and serve as a source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Multivitamin Vitality Complex, which contains up to 11 vitamins and 7 effective minerals in the optimal daily dose, will help you strengthen your immunity, fight fatigue and stress. Ignite your immunity with GymBeam products!


Immunity Support Package contains:

  • 1x Vitamin 1000 D3 60 caps.
  • 1x Omega 3-6-9 60 caps.
  • 1x Vitality Complex 60 cabs.
  • 9x Ginger shot (a package)
  • 9x Turmeric Shot (a package)
  • 24x BIO Ginger Shot with Matcha or BIO Ginger Shot with Aronia


Immunity Support Package and its benefits:

  • a unique selection of vitamins, minerals, and healthy drinks
  • supports the proper functioning of the immune system
  • ensures the optimal daily intake of many vitamins and minerals
  • supports overall health and immune system
  • effectively combats fatigue and exhaustion

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