
Magneslife 10 x 25 ml - Nutrend


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Magneslife is highly effective solution of magnesium ions with vitamin B6 on acute solution of muscle cramps. It positively affects neuro muscle tension and improves regeneration. Form of solution ensures maximum quick effect, high efficiency and absorption.

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Magneslife for sportsmen who are suffering from muscle cramps, want to improve regeneration and release muscle stress

Magneslife is highly effective solution of magnesium ions with vitamin B6 on acute solution of muscle cramps. The form of solution ensures maximum quick effect. Organic carriers of magnesium ions guarantee high efficiency and absorption. Practical packing in one-time monodoses gives the opportunity to have this product by your side and use it when the signals of muscle cramps are coming during performance. 


Magneslife - nutrend


Magneslife a its effective substances:

  • Magnesium (Mg) belongs to the most important mineral substances necessary for life, which can't be created by person. That is why we are depended on its receiving by the food. Its deficiency causes muscle cramps. Magnesium is important for many functions during regulation of energetic metabolism because operates as cofactor and activator of many enzymes. It is also included in metabolism of calcium - protects from redundant sedimentation of calcium into soft tissues (heart, kidneys, vascular walls), stimulates production of antibodies and increases immunity. Diabetes, people with digestive disorders (celiac disease, diarrhoea) and kidneys disorders have the deficiency of magnesium.
  • Addition of in water soluble vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) which must be refilled from the food all the time, supports crossing of magnesium through cell membrane inside the cell and helps regulate amount of magnesium inside the cells. The more consumption of proteins you have, the more amount of vitamin B6 you need. 

Magneslife a its benefits

  • designed for sportsmen and individuals with high physical activity
  • helps to prevent the muscle cramps
  • release neuro-muscular tension
  • improves regeneration and relaxation - ideal before sleep
  • suitable for individual with increased disposition to latent tetania - whenever during the day when you feel the signs of magnesium deficiency
  • solution of magnesium deficiency after alcohol consumption
  • suitable in stress situations and increased physical effort


Water, magnesium citrate, fructose, glucose, acid regulator citric acid, preservatives (sorbic acids, sodium benzoate), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride),sweeteners acesulfame K a sucralose. 



  • 1 drinking monodose MAGNESLIFE (25 ml) during physical activity when you feel muscle cramps coming, have a doses of MAGNESLIFE by your side during  long-time or heavy physical performance and in the case of first signals of muscle cramps coming
  • 1 drinking monodose during day, suitable before sleep, for all who has insufficient magnesium receive by classic food. Suitable before sleep for people who feel overly exhausted or people who are exposed to big physical or psychical stress
  • maximum 1 monodose per day
Do not exceed recommended dosing. 

Table of nutrition facts

Nutrition facts1 dose (25 ml)% ODD*
Calories 12,9 kcal **
Proteins 0 g **
Carbohydrates 1,6 g **
from this sugars 1,6 g **
Fats 0 g **
Magnesium 250 mg 67%
Vitamin B6 8 mg 571%
*recommended daily dose
**daily dose not specified

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