
One Minute Oats - GymBeam


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One Minute Oats are perfect for all healthy lifestyle and nutrition enthusiasts. They are a source of high-quality plant protein, dietary fibre and complex carbohydrates. In addition, they will win you over with great taste and fine consistency, which you will especially appreciate when preparing creamy and fluffy oatmeal. One more big advantage is that there are quick to prepare.

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One Minute Oats with a high fibre content are perfect to quickly prepare delicious creamy oatmeal or some healthy dessert

One Minute Oats rightfully belongs to staple foods of all healthy lifestyle and nutrition fans. And no wonder, as it is nutritionally rich and can be used in many ways. It contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates, which will ensure the gradual release of energy. And you will certainly be pleased with the high proportion of fibre that is essential for proper digestion and satisfaction after a meal. Furthermore, these oats are high in protein, which is the most filling macronutrient. Their fine consistency is also a big advantage, ensuring they are quick to prepare. This way, you don't need to spend a lot of time cooking, which you will especially appreciate during a hectic morning.


In addition to the nutritional profile, One Minute Oats will win you over with their delicious taste and great silky-smooth creamy consistency, just perfect for breakfast oatmeal or smoothies. Even more, oats can be used to prepare healthy desserts, where they can partially replace flour. Everyone who loves soups and sauces will also make use of these oats, as they can be used as a healthier thickener.


If you are wondering how can you healthily replace regular flour in cooking, oats can be a great choice. And if you can't imagine your day without oatmeal, then our One Minute Oats are definitely worth a try as they will bring it to the next level.


One Minute Oats & their benefits

  • fine high-quality oats
  • contain complex carbohydrates
  • high in fibre
  • a source of protein
  • quick to prepare
  • have a delicious taste
  • create a silky-smooth creamy consistency
  • can be used in both salty and sweet recipes
  • ideal for preparing oatmeal, desserts, for thickening soups and sauces
  • can partially replace flour
  • suitable for vegans



Fine oats



Add to your favourite yogurt, smoothie or use to prepare oatmeal.


Nutrition facts

Nutrition 100 g *RDI
Energy value 1483 kJ/ 351 kcal 17.7%
Fat 4.6 g 6.6 %
 - saturated fatty acids 0.8 g 4 %
Carbohydrate 61g 23.5 %
 - sugars 1 g 1.1 %
Fibre 9.4 g -
Protein 12 g 24 %
Salt 0.00 g 0.0 %

*The recommended daily intake value of an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)



Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from direct sunlight.

Allergen information: Allergens are indicated in bold in the ingredients. May contain traces of peanuts and sesame.

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