
Push Up Bar - GymBeam


96 %

Push up bar is a unique fitness aid that minimizes pressure on joints, shoulders and wrists thanks to its ergonomic shapeBy changing the position of the support, you can exercise always another muscle part. Try the Push Up Bar too!

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Push Up Bar - GymBeam

Push up bar is a unique fitness aid that minimizes pressure on joints, shoulders and wrists thanks to its ergonomic shape. By changing the position of the support, you can exercise always another muscle part. Try the Push Up Bar too!


With this unique fitness equipment, you can form your chest, back, triceps, biceps, belly, and buttery. The Push Up Bar can be used at home or when exercising in the gym, thanks to its practical size and easy operation. The reinforced, gently shaped handle ensures that you feel comfortable during exercise. In addition, a solid and stable construction will allow you to use a heavy load during your workout to make the exercise more effective.



Push up Bar and its benefits

  • effective fitness aid
  • strengthens chest, back, triceps, biceps, belly, and buttery
  • solid and stable construction
  • practical size and easy operation
  • can be used at home and in the gym




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