
Super Barley Grass 200 g - Diet Food

ManufacturerDiet Food

88 %

Super Barley Grass are sprouts of young barley in powder which belongs to the category of so-called superfoods - food with extraordinary health features. It is a source of many vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll which helps at the red blood cells production. It provides high amount of proteins of plant origin and digestive enzymes which accelerate metabolism. 

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Super Barley Grass - sprouts of young barley with high amounts of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll for the health

Super Barley Grass are sprouts of young barley in powder which belongs to the category of so called superfoods - food with extraordinary health features. It is a source of many vitamins and minerals - contains 5 times more iron than spinach. Sprouts of barley are treasure of chlorophyll which helps at the red blood cells production. It helps to cleanse body and provides high amount of proteins of plant origin. Sprouts are one of the richest regarding nutrition facts of food industry in the world. In regard to high amount of digestive enzymes, they accelerate metabolism and protect from aging of skin. Thanks to serotonin and tryptophan, they cheer up and fight against the depressions.





Super Barley Grass 200 g - Diet Food


Super Barley Grass & its benefits

  • 100% BIO young barley in powder form
  • helps to cleanse liver
  • regulates menstruation
  • accelerates healing of wounds
  • reduces unpleasant sweat stink
  • eliminates stink from the mouth
  • soothes a sore throat and helps at angina
  • soothes painful hemorrhoids
  • reduces varicose veins
  • improves eyesight
  • regulates metabolism
  • contains 30 times more vitamin B than milk
  • contains 7 times more vitamin C than orange 
  • contains 5 times more iron than spinach



100% BIO barley powder.


Recommended use

Mix one spoon (5 grams) with milk, yoghurt or juice. You can add powder to oat mash, to cereals, dessert or salad. Use 2-3 spoon per day. 


Table of nutrition facts

Nutritional values 100 g
Enegy value 268 kcal
Fat 4,3 g
  of which saturated fats 0,8 g
Carbohydrates 8 g
  of which sugar 0 g
Fiber 56,7 g
Protein 17,2 g
Salt 0,9 g

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