
Taurine - GymBeam


97 %

Taurine is a non-essential amino acid, which is also found naturally in the body. It is a popular ingredient in pre-workout blends and energy drinks, which are used for an energy boost. Thus, the product will be appreciated by anyone facing a mentally or physically challenging day, whether it's a hard workout, work or college.

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Taurine - a non-essential amino acid, which is a popular ingredient in pre-workout blends and energy drinks designed for an energy boost

Taurine is a dietary supplement with a 100% pure formula and content of a non-essential amino acid, which is a normal part of our body. It is found, for example, in the brain or in muscles, where it is involved in important processes related to their function. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain taurine's optimal levels in the body. Moreover, it is contained in some foods, such as meat, fish or dairy products.

In addition, taurine is a popular ingredient in pre-workout blends and energy drinks, which are used to energize the body and support athletic performance. As a result, the product will be appreciated by anyone who needs support during mentally or physically demanding activities such as sports, travelling or work. It can be a great support option for students, doctors, managers, strength or endurance athletes and so on. Moreover, it is suitable even for vegans.


Taurine - GymBeam


Taurine & its benefits

  • a supplement containing the non-essential amino acid taurine
  • has a 100% pure ingredients profile
  • taurine is a natural part of our body
  • a common ingredient in pre-workout blends and energy drinks for an energy boost
  • will be appreciated during a mentally or physically demanding day
  • suitable for vegans



100% Taurine


Recommended use

Add 1 to 3 g of taurine to 250 - 350 ml of water or fruit juice and mix in a shaker. Take 1 - 2 times a day, for physical performance support about 30 minutes before training or use it after training.


Nutrition facts

Nutrition per 100 g
Taurine 100 g



Nutritional supplement. The product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Store in a dry place at a temperature below 25 °C. Protect from frost and direct sunlight. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Keep out of reach of children. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use or storage. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

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