
Vitality Complex Drink - GymBeam


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Vitality Complex Drink is multivitamin powder for everyday health and vitality care. It features a total of 23 carefully selected active ingredients, including 13 vitamins and 6 minerals. It will provide your body with a complex blend of essential micronutrients that are involved in vital bodily functions such as recovery, digestion, immune response, and nervous system activity. For an even greater effect, it is enhanced with fibre inulin, glutamine and maca root extract.  

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Vitality Complex Drink – a blend of 13 vitamins, 6 minerals, maca root extract and the fibre inulin for everyday health and vitality care 

Vitality Complex Drink is a multivitamin powdered drink that offers a carefully selected ingredient profile to help with daily health and vitality care. It contains 23 active ingredients, including 13 vitamins and 6 minerals. These active ingredients play a role in fundamental bodily processes such as recovery, digestion, immune and nervous system function, heart health, and mental well-being. Moreover, many of these vital nutrients cannot be produced by the body in adequate amounts, which creates the need for their regular intake, either through diet or supplementation. To further enhance the effectiveness of this product, we enriched it with fibre inulin, glutamine and maca root extract. 


At the heart of this product are B vitamins. This includes vitamins such as B1 (thiamin), which supports optimal heart function and is involved in proper energy metabolism, forming ATP for vital energy production. Additionally, vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin) contribute to proper nervous system function, which governs the functioning of all organs in the body.  Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is then known to support normal mental activity.  Furthermore, vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), and B9 (folic acid) play a role in maintaining optimal mental functions. Notably, the inclusion of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is also important, as it contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.   


The group of water-soluble vitamins is complemented by vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which supports the proper functioning of the immune system. Additionally, it plays a role in the optimal synthesis of collagen for the proper function of bones, joints, cartilage, blood vessels, and skin. Vitamin C is also associated with healthy movement and appearance. Additionally, we must not overlook the significance of fat-soluble vitamins. Let's begin with vitamin A (retinol) which contributes to the maintenance of healthy skin and good eyesight. Moving on to vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), you'll appreciate its effect on promoting the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. The content of vitamin E in this supplement will also aid in protecting cells from oxidative stress. Lastly, we have vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7), which contributes to normal blood clotting.  


Vitality Complex Drink - GymBeam


However, minerals are no less important when it comes to the optimal functioning of all bodily processes. For instance, magnesium and calcium play a vital role in supporting proper muscle, bone, and teeth function. Zinc, on the other hand, contributes to the normal functioning of memory, cognition, reaction time, and expressive skills. Additionally, it affects fertility and reproductive function. It is quite significant for men, as it supports healthy blood testosterone levels. Just like selenium, it also beneficially affects hair, nail, and skin health. Last but not least, there is potassium, which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.  


But that's not all. Vitality Complex Drink contains additional functional substances that also deserve a mention. One of them is the amino acid L-glutamine, which serves as an energy source for some immune system cells and the intestinal mucosa. It is also commonly associated with sports performance and recovery. Another noteworthy ingredient is the soluble fibre inulin, which ranks among prebiotics. As you probably know, fibre helps nourish the beneficial bacteria residing in our digestive system. Finally, the drink features an extract from the maca plant, renowned for its abundance of bioactive compounds, placing it among the popular superfoods.  


Vitality Complex Drink is specifically formulated with a complex ingredient profile to provide ideal support for individuals aiming to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It will thus help you take maximum care of your physical and mental health. This dietary supplement comes in the form of a well-soluble powder, which, when mixed together with water, creates a delicious drink. Furthermore, it offers an attractive option for those who prefer a different format than the conventional capsule or tablet form of multivitamins.    


Vitality Complex Drink & its benefits 

  • a functional multivitamin containing 23 active ingredients 
  • a source of 13 vitamins and 6 minerals 
  • contains L-glutamine, inulin fibre and maca root extract 
  • supports the proper functioning of the immune and nervous systems and mental wellbeing 
  • contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion 
  • supports healthy hair, nails, bones, and skin 
  • has a positive effect on fertility and reproductive function 
  • helps protect cells from oxidative stress 
  • supports normal energy metabolism 
  • contributes to the maintenance of optimal blood testosterone levels 
  • involved in proper muscle function 
  • helps maintain normal blood pressure 
  • positively affects cognitive functions such as memory and thinking 
  • suitable for everyday health and vitality care 
  • makes for a delicious drink once dissolved in water  
  • suitable for vegans 



MANGO MARACUJA FLAVOUR: L-glutamine, calcium citrate, potassium citrate, inulin, magnesium citrate, maca extract, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), sodium citrate, flavouring, acidity regulators (citric acid, malic acid), thickener, sweetener (sucralose), inositol, colourings (beetroot, beta-carotene), zinc gluconate, vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherol), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7), L-selenomethionine, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B7 (D-biotin), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin B9 (folic acid). 

GREEN APPLE FLAVOUR: L-glutamine, calcium citrate, potassium citrate, inulin, magnesium citrate, maca extract, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), sodium citrate, flavouring, acidity regulators (citric acid, malic acid), thickener (xanthan gum), inositol, colourings (spirulina, safflower), sweetener (sucralose), zinc gluconate, vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopherol), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7), selenomethionine, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B7 (D-biotin), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin B9 (folic acid). 


Recommended use 

Pour one scoop (12 g) of the dietary supplement into a 200-300 ml glass, add water and mix thoroughly. We recommend taking one serving daily.  


Nutrition facts

Nutrition 1 serving (12 g) *RDI
L-Glutamine 3000 mg
Inulin 1000 mg  
Potassium 540 mg 27 %
Maca extract 500 mg -
Vitamin C 500 mg 625 %
Calcium 400 mg 50 %
Sodium 135 mg 17 %
Inositol 125 mg -
Magnesium 120 mg 32 %
Vitamin B3 16 mg 100 %
Vitamin E 12 mg 100 %
Zinc 10 mg 100 %
Vitamin B5 6 mg 100 %
Vitamin B2 1.4 mg 100 %
Vitamin B6 1.4 mg 100 %
Vitamin B1 1.1 mg 100 %
Vitamin A 800 μg 100 %
Vitamin B9 200 μg 100 %
Vitamin K2 (MK-7) 60 μg 80 %
Selenium 55 μg 100 %
Vitamin B7 50 μg 100 %
Vitamin D3 25 μg 500 %
Vitamin B12 2.5 μg 100 %

*The recommended daily intake value of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal).



The product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Store in a dry place at a temperature below 25 °C. Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Keep out of reach of small children. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

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